Home > Democratic Establishment, Elections > Why you should vote 2010! Republican or Democrat it is IMPORTANT!

Why you should vote 2010! Republican or Democrat it is IMPORTANT!

Why you need to vote!

The arguments have already been discussed to death, so this is my last min effort of encouragement!

Excuse the Rant, consider this a rough draft last min ditch the night before the election.

The 2010 midterm elections and the coming 2012 elections are the most important elections of our generation. A radical transformation of how America works and functions in social, political and economic life has occurred. While the American people have not seen the full transformation play out in their daily lives, the last two years have seen a massive accumulation of power in the hands of the federal government. While liberals see this as a means for justice to reign in corrupt and flawed capitalism, conservatives and libertarians believe that this transformation is the greatest threat to liberty in a generation.

For the right, this election is key and a victory needs to be big! The Republicans will probably take the House and the Senate is up for grabs. A victory will allow Republicans to hold off further transformation of American society and prepare to reverse the course in 2012 to a new direction. If you are a Republican, conservative or libertarian who believes in the ideals of the founding fathers, supports the constitution, free enterprise and smaller government, you must vote this election. These ideals are in danger from government expansion, regulation and taxation and only a victory in 2010 can prevent a continuation in the wrong direction. If the right coalition fails their will only be a more massive expansion of government under an Obama led executive, and democratic legislature. A Republican victory may also, force Obama to compromise like Clinton did when Republicans won in 1994, stop the creation of bills that are thousands of pages long that nobody in Congress knows what has been passed.

Government expansion is almost impossibly to cut without radical revolution or collapse of government systems (see Revolutionary War/Collapse of Soviet Union). The Republicans must win in this election cycle or the fight to remove and cut expanded government will become even harder. Once tyranny is engrained into a society (higher taxes to sustain gov programs), its removal is very difficult because society shifts to defend their “free” lunch.

Liberals on the other hand are holding the line on the transformation of society and their victories achieved over the last two years. While it is projected to lose the house, they may be able to keep control of the senate and help control the purse. The Democrats will not see a reversal of their policies unless Obama fails to win reelection in 2012. Republican victory in 2010 will only mean a halt to Obama’s inefficient progressive agenda. Slowing the agenda will result in more efficient bills rather than pork bills from corrupt officials.

I encourage those on the left to vote this election because of the dangers of massive government without accountability. Liberals voted for the expansion of government and the increase of its power, this also makes the government less accountable to the people. We MUST HOLD GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE or it will become corrupt. Officials who are elected year after year by a class of solid voting support can too easily become comfortable in their seat, pandering to special interests rather than the people. The only tool we have against government corruption is the ballot box.

Liberals and Democrats staying home this election may benefit Republicans, but it’s bad for the country if we continue to be apathetic in midterm elections. Special interests are only trumped when the electorate as a whole, makes their voice heard. When the electorate comes out in large numbers, elected officials can count on the support of the people, rather than needing the support of special interests. If politicians can count on the people to vote for them in large numbers based on their performance of promoting and creating public welfare, politicians will shun cronyism and corruption that comes with the support of special interests.

The higher the turnout, the more politicians see the need to support policies that benefit the American people as a whole. While I do not wish for a leftist agenda in our government it is more important for the people to show their power by voting in the face of growing government power and preserving liberty in the long run, by holding our officials accountable.

While I recommend Democrats to vote, I also recommend you give Republicans a shot. While I am not asking you to vote Republican across the board, let me suggest you vote Republican in your House race this year. Every 2 years members of the House come up for election, so the risks to any democrat agenda in the long run, by giving Republicans a shot are small. In two years you can easily vote the republican out of office. If you have not received direct benefits in your daily life, then what are the Democrats doing for you? The Republicans in congress also won’t reverse the victories of Obama after this election (because Obama retains his power of veto), so what do you have to lose? If anything, this gives you a chance to remove your incumbent democratic congressman who is well-connected, and beholden to special interests. Vote him out in an election when you control the presidency. In the next election of 2012 a new fresh and more electorate centered democrat can run for office, and serve you rather than interest groups beholden career politician that has been voted in year after year not being defeated in primaries.

Republicans won’t be able to push a reversal or radical agenda with Obama as president, so remove your career democratic representative this election cycle. As a democrat/liberal citizen you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by checking the democrat establishment’s power, letting a new fresh face challenge the Republican congress in 2012.

I urge you to vote this election! If you do vote, please consider your Republican Party candidate for Congress.

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  1. January 2, 2011 at 5:51 pm

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